Young Crystallographers Satellite Meeting

By | October 21, 2013

The next Young Crystallographers Satellite Meeting (YC2014) will take place prior to the main BCA Spring Meeting from 1 pm on Monday 7th April until 11.15 am on Tuesday 8th April at the University of Loughborough. Following the established format there will be three sessions of oral presentations – a superb opportunity for Young Crystallographers to present and discuss their work in a friendly and relaxed environment. More senior crystallographers are of course welcome to attend, but we respectfully request that difficult questions are kept to a minimum. The poster session will commence on Monday evening together with the buffet dinner and drinks.

This year there will be two plenary lectures, with a chemical and biological theme looking at difficult data. There will also be a debate session entitled “Are crystallographers still necessary”? This will be a light-hearted look at the ways in which automation has affected the way we collect and process data, and conversely at the traps that await those who believe too literally what their computers tell them. And of course we confidently expect the answer to be a resounding “yes”! The third Parkin lecture will also be awarded to a Young Crystallographer who will then present their work at this satellite.

The Parkin Lecture, the prize lecture of the YCG, was established in recognition of the outstanding contributions of the late Dr Andrew Parkin to the YCG of the BCA. The candidate should be a Young Crystallographer (undergraduate or graduate student or a crystallographer within five years of graduation), who has been recognised for outstanding contributions to any of the following:

  • Promoting science
  • Raising public awareness of science
  • Teaching crystallography/science
  • Originality in outreach and teaching activities

If you think you know of a Young Crystallographer who has excelled in any of these areas then why not nominate him or her for the Parkin Lecture!

The rules for the Parkin Lecture, details regarding the nomination process and nomination form can be found under the prizes section on the YCG website. The nomination form should be sent to the YCG Secretary Lauren Hatcher no later than 17th January 2014.

At the main meeting there will also be a joint session with the IG (BCA Industrial Group) entitled “Getting a Job”. This is aimed at younger career researchers who may be interested in staying in science but are unsure of the different routes that may be open to them. This will be held on Wednesday 9th April at 15:30-17:00.
Dinner and registration for the YC2014 will be free for those attending the whole Spring Meeting. There is the option to only attend the YC2014 and not the main meeting, but a fee will be charged. There are a limited number of bursaries available and applications should be made online on the BCA web-page.

The deadline for abstracts to be considered for oral presentations and posters are 17th January 2014. Submissions should be made via the main meeting abstract submission web-page using the template available there. The AGM will again include elections to fill the YCG Committee vacancies, which will be advertised nearer the time. For more information about the YCG have a look at the YCG website.

Abstract deadlines for the YC Satellite Oral and poster presentations: 17th January 2014

Abstracts can be submitted at:

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