AGM April 2023 (minutes)

Minutes for the YCG AGM 2023
3rd April 2023, AGM


The meeting was held in person, in Sheffield, and had over 45 people in attendance, including: Anthony Blue Carter (ABC), Natalie Pridmore (NP), Tom Roseveare (TR), Anna Herlihy (AH), Thomas Hitchings (TH), Josh Morris (JM), Ben Tragheim (BT), Phillippa Partridge (PP), Rebecca Clulow (RC), Julia Gasol (JG), Rachael Wilkinson (RW), Sam Lewis (SL), Lee Birchall (LB), Ben Coulson (BC), Rona Lonagan (RL), Olivia Breen (OB), Stephen Brown (SB), Jake Hill (JH), Carissa Ponan (CP), Eliza Dempsy (ED).

1. Formalities

1.1. Acceptance of Agenda

The agenda was proposed by PP and seconded by TH.

1.2. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Charlie McMonagle.

1.3. Acceptance of minutes from the AGM held on 11th April 2022 in Leeds

(Previous minutes can be found here:

These were proposed by ABC and seconded by RW.

1.4. Matters Arising

No matters arising were presented.

2. Reports

2.1. Chair’s Report

The YCG satellite meeting was held in Sheffield, in person for the second year since COVID, with over 100 attendees. This will be the last YCG satellite meeting due to a name change, next year it will be the ESCG (Early-Stage Crystallographers Group) satellite meeting. There was a positive abstract submission with 16 talks and over 30 posters accepted. Thanks were given to Natalie Pridmore and Thomas Hitchings for being on the planning committee for the satellite meeting, keeping everything on time and also sharing the role of acting secretary/treasurer. The focus over the last year has been on finalising the name change that was agreed to last year and rebranding (related points coming up in the agenda on changes to the constitution and creating a new logo).

2.2. Secretary’s Report

TH also mentioned the name change and that moving forward we will be the ESCG. There is currently £537 in the YCG bank account that has gone dormant due to it being in the name of a previous treasurer and chair and changes were challenging during COVID. Communication is ongoing with the BCA treasurer and previous YCG members who are on the account so that it can be consolidated with the BCA account but ringfenced for YCG/ESCG activities. Anyone who wants to donate to the YCG/ESCG should contact TH and it will be ensured that these donations (which will be paid to the BCA) are ringfenced for the YCG/ESCG. YCG/ESCG members were reminded that some of this money is available to support outreach activities and to get in touch with TH if you have an idea. No money was spent this year (partly due to the access issues).

3. Change of title for Equality and Diversity Officer

ABC proposed a change of the ED officer title to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Officer. This is to make it more in line with the terminology used by other institutions and with the role itself.

AH seconded this proposal.

The motion passed with no objections.

4. Amendments to YCG/ESCG constitution

ABC explained that due to the name change from YCG to ESCG, that was agreed last year, many small and a few slightly more significant changes to the constitution are required. These changes were gone through by type rather than individually but a copy of the constitution with all the proposed amendments could be provided to anyone who requested it.

4.1. Definition of a YCG/ESCG member

The current definition puts a time limit of five years after graduation, this is not in keeping with the purpose of the YCG/ESCG and does not take into account people who have had career breaks or transferred from a different field. It was suggested that the less than five years after graduation criteria should be removed, and wording was added to make it clear that anyone who considers themselves an early-stage crystallographer is welcome to be a member.

NP proposed this change to description and LB seconded.

The motion passed with no objections.

4.2. Changes for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

It was noted that ‘chairman’ was currently used, and this should be changed to ‘chairperson’ to recognise all genders. The name of the EDI officer also needs updating after the change to this title was approved and it needs to be added to the list of officer positions in the constitution (as it appears this was not done after the position was first introduced).

TH proposed these changes and SL seconded.

The motion passed with no objections.

4.3. Other changes related to the YCG to ESCG name change

The term YCG needs to be replaced by ESCG throughout the constitution.

PP proposed and BT seconded.

The motion passed with no objections.

4.4. Additions/Amendments to take into consideration current times

Online meetings are now more common and during the pandemic were necessary. It was suggested that the wording be amended to make it clear that online AGMs are allowed, if an in-person meeting is not possible. ESCG members cannot always attend the AGM and currently nominations for committee positions are initially requested through an online form (although it is still possible to nominate at the AGM itself). Therefore, a change in wording to allow people to run without being present was suggested.

TR proposed and TH seconded.

The motion passed with no objections.

4.5. Location of ESCG funds

As previously mentioned, ESCG money is to be held by the BCA so there is no longer an issue due to the turnover of ESCG committee members affecting access to the money. ESCG money is to be held by the BCA and will be ringfenced for ESCG activities. Therefore, this information needs to be updated in the constitution to match the new arrangement.

RL proposed and OB seconded.

The motion passed with no objections.

5. New logo selection

TH explained that due to the name change, a new logo is required. The current logo was shown and it was highlighted that as well as clearly stating YCG, the design incorporates all sections of the BCA as the YCG includes members from all other sections.

The YCG/ESCG committee had gotten creative and came up with some logo designs which they had then narrowed down to the top two. These were presented at the AGM to gain feedback and to vote for the new logo. The two logos can be seen below:

Figure 1: Logo concept 1

Figure 2: Logo concept 2


It was noted that on the overhead some of the lighter colours did not show much contrast with the white background. This was the first time the logos had been shown on an overhead projector so that information was taken on board to alter the successful logo, to fix the issue.

A vote was held.

Logo 1 received 19 votes.

Logo 2 received 26 votes.

Rejecting both logos and reopening nominations received 0 votes.

Therefore, logo 2 was selected as the ESCG logo.

ABC requested that any further feedback on logo 2 was sent to him by the end of the conference, to pass on to the logo designer.

6. Elections to Committee

ABC expressed his thanks to all outgoing committee members.

6.1 Election of Deputy Chair

NP is stepping down from the position after two years. One nomination had been received prior to the meeting.

  1. Rebecca Clulow, proposed by NP, seconded by ABC.

The nomination was accepted with no objections.

6.2 Election of Secretary/Treasurer

NP and TH have been sharing the role of acting secretary/treasurer. One nomination had been received prior to the meeting.

  1. Thomas Hitchings, proposed by SB, seconded by SL.

The nomination was accepted with no objections.

6.3 Election of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Officer

TH is stepping down from the position after two years. One nomination had been received prior to the meeting.

  1. Sam Lewis, proposed by TH, seconded by BT.

The nomination was accepted with no objections.

6.4 Election of the BSG (Biological Structures Group) Representative

RW is stepping down from the position after two years. There was one nomination for the role.

  1. Jake Hill, proposed by CP, seconded by JG.

The nomination was accepted with no objections.

6.5 Election of up to two Ordinary Members

RC and LB are stepping down from their positions after two years. There were three nominations for the role.

  1. Robert Bannister.
  2. Eliza Dempsy, proposed by SL, seconded by PP.
  3. Olivia Breen, proposed by RL, seconded by NP.

Robert Bannister was not present at the meeting and was not proposed. The decision was made to appoint the two nominees who were present.

The nominations of ED and OB were accepted with no objections.

The new YCG Committee is as follows:

  • Chairperson: Anthony Carter
  • Deputy Chairperson: Rebecca Clulow
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Thomas Hitchings
  • Webmaster: Anna Herlihy
  • Equality and Diversity Officer: Sam Lewis
  • BSG Rep: Jake Hill
  • CCG Rep: Josh Morris
  • IG Rep: Julia Gasol
  • PCG Rep: Ben Tragheim
  • Ordinary Members:
    • Eliza Dempsy
    • Olivia Breen
    • Phillippa Partridge
    • Aly Abdeldaim

7. Any other business

There was no other business.

8. Close

ABC called the meeting to a close. Those present were thanked for attending the YCG/ESCG AGM.