Category Archives: Events

Upcoming events of YCG

Pint of Science: Uniting Scientists and the Public Over a Pint

Science communication is a difficult but vital part of engaging the public in science and technology, and in ensuring continuing public support for scientific research, university education and research council funding via the taxpayer. That said, it can be hard to know how to engage the public in your research, or for the interested public to know where to go to be engaged. One international science festival has a unique and brilliant solution: the scientists take their research to the pub.

Natalie Tatum – BCG Representative

To.Sca.Lake 2.0 Summer School

Lake como SchoolIf you are interested in Total Scattering techniques in particular applied to nanomaterials, the To.Sca.Lake 2.0 summer school will be held at the end of May on the banks of the beautiful lake Como. The course will run from May 29 – June 2, 2017 and registration is now open!

The program includes lectures by world-wide experts in total scattering, nanomaterials, saxs and light scattering. Tutorial sessions on Debussy and PDFgui/diffpy-cmi are scheduled with real applications. There is also the possibility of submitting an abstract together with the application, to give an oral presentation.

Please find further information on the website –

See you soon on lake Como!

BCA Spring Meeting 2017 Abstract Deadline

The BCA Spring Meeting 2017 abstract deadline is fast approaching! All abstracts must be submitted by 9AM Friday 20th of January, one week today. You are all encouraged to submit abstracts to the Young Crystallographers satellite meeting or to the main meeting.

This year we have a great program lined up with plenary talks from Stefan Kaskel (Technische Universität Dresden) and Simon Coles (University of Southampton). We also have a educational session were we have 3 invited speakers to unite the fields of chemical, physical and biological crystallography, Matthias Gutmann (ISIS), Helen Playford (ISIS) and Jane Endicott (University of Newcastle). However there are lots of slots for You to present your work whether that be a poster or an oral presentation so please submit your abstracts here and see you there!

ECM-30 – Science Slam and EYC Satellite Meeting


At the ECM this summer in Basel there will be a Science Slam taking place during the meeting!

For this you will have three minutes to present your research to a large public, in an entertaining way. You can use powerpoint or other supports – as you wish but remember, you have only 3 minuets so make them count! The decision will be taken by the public using an applaudimeter… and the winner will win a prize. For inspiration checkout the Famelab YouTube channel.

There are now only a few days to get your abstracts in to present at the European Young Crystallographers Satellite Meeting! For all the information please got to the European Young Crystallographers website.

See you in Basel!

European Young Crystallographers Satellite Meeting – ECM-30

As paEYC ECM30rt of the European Crystallographic Association meeting ECM-30 in Basel there will be a Young Crystallographers Satellite Meeting taking place. This will be on Sunday the 28th of August, the day before the main meeting and you are all invited to attend. Abstract submission open till the 30th of June!

For more information on registration and abstracts please visit the European Young Crystallographers website. See you in Basel!

Joint BCA/RSC XRF Meeting – 15th June

On the 15th of June the BCA Industrial Group will hold a joint meeting with the RSC for XRF, X-Ray Florescence, at the University of Leicester. This should be a fun and useful meeting for anyone interested in the technique. Registration closes on the 9th of June and they are offering a limited number of free places for students.

More information can be found on the XRF – Industrial Group website or by contacting the IG representative Alex Cousen (University of Bath).

1st European Crystallographic School

The registrations for the 1st European Crystallographic School (ECS1) are open. The school, under the ECA patronage, will be held in Pavia from August 28th to September 6th, 2014. ECS1 is inserted into an Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP) that will allow students to obtain 3 ECTS credits. The school starts with a first preparatory course… Read More »

Crystallography on BBC Radio 4

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the history of crystallography, the study of crystals and their structure. Developments in crystallography have touched most people’s lives, thanks to the vital role it plays in diverse scientific disciplines – from physics and chemistry, to molecular biology and mineralogy. The history of crystallography began with the work of… Read More »