To represent the interests of the early stage crystallographers’ to the wider community.
I am currently working towards my PhD in chemistry, funded by EPSRC, as part of the Materials for Energy and Electronics (MEE) group at the University of Kent. Under the supervision of Dr Paul Saines, my research focuses on the magnetic and ferroelectric properties/transitions of dense framework materials. We depend on both X-ray and Neutron diffraction/scattering to probe our materials’ atomic and magnetic structure to optimise performance for incorporation into devices.
Supporting the chair in representing the membership and engaging with the public.
I am currently a researcher at Uppsala University, Sweden. My research is centred on high entropy materials with applications for hydrogen storage, proton conduction and magnetic properties. Crystallography and diffraction are always at the core of my research where we aim to use structure-property relationships to design greener and more sustainable materials. Prior to my current post, I took up a postdoc position at Uppsala University as part of the Sahlberg group focusing on rare earth free permanent magnets for greener technologies. I completed my PhD at the University of St Andrews under the supervision of Prof. Philip Lightfoot, specialising in crystallography and functional materials.
Helping the ESCG run smoothly in both communication and monetary matters.
I am a PhD student in Dr. Tony Keene’s group at University College Dublin in Ireland. My research focuses on the exploration of alternative iron based cathodes for lithium ion batteries. A large portion of my research involves characterising the materials I’ve made using X-ray diffraction.
To promote equality and reduce discrimination within the ESCG.
I am a PhD student jointly funded by Cardiff University and the Diamond Light Source under the supervision of Dr Lauren Hatcher and Dr Mark Warren respectively. My research involves the utilisation of advanced crystallisation techniques for microcrystal batch production of photoactive materials suitable for serial methods which we are developing for use on the I19 beamline. We aim to incorporate various photo- and time-resolved techniques to enable deeper interrogation of the solid state and produce molecular movies.
Maintaining the website and social media of the ESCG.
I am a PhD student in functional materials chemistry with Dr James Cumby at the University of Edinburgh. My work focuses on the negative thermal expansion and phase transition properties of metal oxyfluorides. I use a combination of computational and experimental approaches to understand how structure, dynamics and functional properties link together. This includes solid-state synthesis, density functional theory and lots of x-ray powder diffraction at extreme temperatures and pressures.
Represent the Early Stage Crystallographers’ on the committees of the other special interest groups of the BCA.

[email protected]
(University of Bradford)
I am currently a PhD Student at the University of Bradford, under the supervision of Dr Briony Yorke. My research focuses on using time-resolved crystallography to understand how the eye lens proteins (Crystallins) respond to UV photodamage and how this ultimately contributes to the formation of cataracts.

[email protected]
(University of Warwick)
I am a final year PhD student in the Pike group at the University of Warwick. I use single crystal diffraction to study metal-oxo clusters, molecular analogues of metal oxides. This includes exploring the photochemistry in the crystal state using photo driven single-crystal to single-crystal transformations.

(Newcastle University)
I am a PhD student jointly funded by Newcastle University and AstraZeneca. My research focuses on the development of the Encapsulated Nanodroplet Crystallisation (ENaCt) technique, combining a statistical and high-throughput experimental approach for the crystallisation of small molecules and pharmaceuticals.

(University of Warwick)
I am a PhD student at the University of Warwick under the supervision of Dr Mark Senn. My research focuses on using scanning 3DXRD and in situ diffraction techniques, such as applied strain and pressure, to investigate the subtle structural distortions and domain structures that result in the properties displayed by ferroic and superconducting materials.
Assisting the committee to ensure the success of the ESCG.

[email protected]
(University of Edinburgh)
I am a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, studying under Dr Claire Hobday and Prof. Anita Jones. My research focuses on metal-organic frameworks with chromophores added to their organic linkers, to see how the spatially isolated chromophores react under pressure without packing interactions. I use single crystal X-ray diffraction and UV-vis spectroscopy in my high-pressure studies.

[email protected]
(University of Warwick)
I am a PhD student at the University of Warwick, based in the Materials and Analytical Sciences department, under the supervision of Dr Mark Senn. My research involves the investigation of the interplay of Jahn-Teller distortions and orbital order to different symmetry-breaking degrees of freedom in perovskites. This is approached via symmetry-adapted methods that allow powerful descriptions of structural distortions with respect to undistorted, high symmetry structures. As a result, frequent visits to central facilities to characterise these materials using both average and local structure X-ray diffraction techniques have already been achieved.