Parkin Lecture, 2020 – Nomination Deadline 31st of January

To recognise the outstanding achievements of the late Dr Andrew Parkin in his roles as scientist and teacher, the YCG holds an annual Parkin Lecture at the YCG satellite meeting. The YCG satellite directly precedes the BCA Spring Meeting, which this year takes place on the 6 – 9 April 2020 at the University of Leeds. The prize lecture is awarded to a Young Crystallographer who has been recognised for outstanding contributions to promoting science, raising public awareness of science, teaching crystallography/science or showing originality in outreach and teaching activities.

Friday 31st of January is the deadline for nominations by peers, supervisors, or self-nomination. If you are, or know someone who is deserving of this award, please come forward! Full details can be found here.

Please send your nominations to [email protected]

Cow Unveiling – 14 March 2007
Andrew Parkin (far left) and Prof. Anne Glover, the Chief Scientific Advisor for Scotland, who spoke about the impact of initiatives such as ScotCHEM as well as the importance of getting the message about the importance – and fun! – of Chemistry to a wide audience.[/caption]

IG/CCG joint autumn

Registration for the IG/CCG joint autumn meeting is currently open and we still have bursaries available for students to cover the registration fee. Please apply to [email protected] including a short (100 word max) description of the benefit to you of receiving the bursary. Awards will be made on the 18th October, apply soon.

(Upfront payment is not needed. You can register in advance and select the “invoice” option for payment, invoices for successful awards will be paid for you. Unsuccessful applicants may withdraw for no fee. Otherwise apply for the bursary right away and register after awards are made, on the 18th October).

See you there!

Poster Flash Presentations

Only 5 days to go until the start of the YCG meeting at BCA 2019! If you are presenting a poster at the YCG remember that there is a Flash Presentation session directly before the poster session. This is a fun session where each person gets to present there a poster in 30 seconds or… Read More »

YCG Committee Positions Available

This is your chance to join the YCG committee and be an active member or your community! Committee positions are nominally for 2 years and you will be part of a great team that organises the annual satellite meetings. There are lots of other opportunities throughout the year and to be involved with outreach activities… Read More »

DECTRIS award for innovative researchers

The DECTRIS Award recognizes innovative researchers and helps them share their findings with a broader audience at a scientific conference. The winner of the DECTRIS Award will receive CHF 1000. Half to attend your chosen conference, while the remaining CHF 500 is yours to spend in any way you like. More information and eligibility criterira… Read More »

BCA Spring Meeting Abstract Deadline – Monday 9am!

The abstract deadline for the BCA Spring Meeting has just been extened untill Monday the 18th at 9.00 GMT. Please submit your abstracts here. Remember that all abstracts for the YCG Satellite Meeting are submitted as posters  for both the YCG and the Main Meeting. Oral presentations at the YCG Satellite Meeting will be based… Read More »

HERCULES 2019 – European School

HERCULES is a European course for PhD students and young researchers using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Hard & Soft Condensed Matter.

The 1-month school (18th March to 19th April, 2019) includes lectures (60%), hands-on practicals and tutorials at partner institutes (DESY and the European XFEL in Hamburg, Germany, Elettra and FERMI in Trieste, Italy, ESRF, ILL in Grenoble in Paris-Saclay, PSI in Villigen, Switzerland, Soleil and LLB) and Grenoble Laboratories (CEA, CNRS, EMBL, IBS).

The school includes a common part and two parallel sessions:
– Applications to Biomolecular, Soft Condensed matter Structure and Dynamics
– Applications to Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter

Bursaries/reduced costs
– A limited number of bursaries will be available either to reduce registration fees or cover travel costs.


More information
• Hercules website:
• Contact email: [email protected]

Holistic Approaches to Structural Characterisation: BCA IG Autumn Meeting 2018

The Industrial Group of the British Crystallography Association and the CCP-NC are happy to announce a joint meeting entitled “Holistic Approaches to Structural Characterisation” on the 13-14th November (mid-morning to lunchtime), in Durham.

The meeting will focus on presenting NMR crystallography (particularly of small molecule organics) to crystallographers working in industry, as well as providing opportunities for crystallographers to explain the challenges they face. It should be an excellent opportunity to establish new contacts.

For more information look Here, and to register follow the link Here.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Chemical Crystallography @ Central Facilities: BCA CCG Autumn Meeting 2018

Registration is now live for this year’s BCA CCG Autumn meeting at Queen’s University Belfast on 31st October 2018.
This year’s meeting will be focused on the topic of “Chemical Crystallography @ Central Facilities”. Register here for this exciting one-day meeting!

Opportunities for student and ECR attendees:

  • Student poster session. This year’s meeting will include a lunchtime student poster session, ensuring lots of opportunities for student to get experience of presenting their research in a friendly atmosphere. Student attendees who wish to present a poster during the lunchtime poster session should email their poster title to Katharina Edkins ([email protected]) no later than 5pm on 26th October 2018.
  • Early Career travel bursaries. Thanks to our fantastic meeting sponsors, there will be the opportunity for early-career researchers presenting at the meeting to receive a small bursary contribution towards their travel expenses. Please contact Katharina Edkins ([email protected]) for further information.

With a strong variety of talks from scientists working with Central Facilities across the UK, Europe and the USA in areas including synchrotron, neutron, laser spectroscopy and computational research, the meeting will be of broad interest for researchers and students in Chemical Crystallography.

There will also be a lunchtime poster session and prizes with plenty of opportunities for student participation and networking.

ECM31 – European Young Crystallographers Satellite Meeting

Attending ECM31 in Oviedo this summer? Then come along to the European Young Crystallographers satellite meeting!

At this event, early career researchers will have the opportunity to present their work and socialise with their peers in an informal and friendly environment.

Oral and poster presentations from all aspects of crystallography will ensure that there is something for everyone’s interests!

Where: ECM31 venue.
When: 22 August, 2018
Registration: The registration fee is 20 €. Please login the user area using your ECM31 account (e-mail address and password) to register for this satellite.
Contact: For inquiries contact Andrew Maloney, [email protected]