The Parkin Lecture (Prize Lecture of the ESCG)
To recognise the outstanding achievements of the late Dr Andrew Parkin in his roles as scientist and teacher, the ESCG has established a prize lecture to be held in future meetings of the ESCG. This prize lecture is intended to honour Dr Andrew Parkin’s contribution to the ESCG in particular and shall be known as “The Parkin Lecture” of the ESCG.
To download the nomination form click here.
To download the rules for the Parkin lecture click here.
Durward Cruickshank Young Crystallographers’ Prize
Thanks to an extremely generous bequest from the estate of Professor Durward Cruickshank, the BCA Officers are pleased to announce the establishment of the “Durward Cruickshank Young Crystallographers’ Prize” to be awarded on an annual basis to a Young Crystallographer (normally with less than 3 years of post doctoral experience) who has made an outstanding contribution in any area of crystallography.
The contribution will be judged on poster and oral presentations and all-round contributions during the BCA Spring Meetings by designated members of the Early Stage Crystallographers Group who will nominate the Prize Winner to the BCA Officers for ratification.
In the first instance a sum of £250 will be associated with the Prize and should be used by the recipient to assist them in attending a national or international conference.
Industrial Group Prize for YC Sessions
For the Young Crystallographers’ meeting, the Industrial Group is again offering a prize of £100 plus a bottle of bubbly for the best talk which has some relevance to industry. The standard last year was very high, and we expect no less this year, so we look forward to interesting talks and difficult judging.
The winner will be invited to present the talk again at an Industrial group session later in the meeting
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